Weed Control
If you have weeds we can help let us do a free analysis of your lawn.
Service Description
Crabgrass: What It Is, What It Looks Like & How to Remove It! The arrival of springtime means budding flowers, blossoming trees, and green grass. Unfortunately, with this abundance of new growth comes sprouting weeds as well. Crabgrass in particular is a weed which continues to frustrate homeowners year after year. However, by knowing how a weed grows and a few tips on natural prevention, you'll know how to get rid of crabgrass without chemicals. What Is Crabgrass? Crabgrass is an annual weed whose seeds germinate during spring and summer. Crabgrass germination occurs when soil temps reach 55°- 65°F at a 3" depth for 5 consecutive days. Un-germinated seeds can wait in the soil for up to thirty years before sprouting! Given the fact a single crabgrass plant can produce 150,000 seeds during the growing season, it's easy to see why controlling it is difficult. Why Do I Have So Much Crabgrass? Crabgrass favors sandy, compacted soil where the grass is in a weakened, thinned condition. Bare, thin lawns allow sunlight to directly hit the soil, which is an ideal condition for crabgrass germination. In addition, weeds like crabgrass like it when your lawn has excess water and phosphorus levels. Enough about why crabgrass is in your lawn, now let's talk about how we can prevent it. How Can I Kill Crabgrass? First, you can apply a pre-emergent fertilizer before the germination period to organically control crabgrass. If it is mid-summer and the crabgrass is already fully grown, you can wait it out and then attack in full force next season or treat it with an herbicide specifically labeled for crabgrass control. We offer such plans that target just the grab grass and not your good lawn. When using any type of control materials always follow label directions, and only spray the troublesome areas as opposed to treating your entire lawn. If you would like assistance with removing crabgrass from your yard give us a call or text us at 203-903-1650.
Contact Details
P.O. Box North Branford CT United States 06471